The Moustache-Pact Gallery
You know, Beauty has become a rare commodity in this world we live in, but please, don't you fret your pretty little head. There actually are people in this world who are willing to do what they can to make the earth a more Beautiful place to exist.

Two years ago a group of sixteen brave souls vowed to contribute their share of Beauty by making a very special pact. The Moustache-Pact. For two weeks the fab sixteen promised to let their masculinity shine by growing out their moustaches. No other facial hair was allowed, only the beautiful and graceful hair above their top lips. The results could not have been more aesthetically pleasing, but why don't you just see for yourself?

Note: As you know, the Crappy Page is not only a nice little cyber-hangout spot, but is also a testing ground for my developing web-skills. In light of this, the Moustache-Pact Gallery uses some technology that might not be accessible to all browsers. Please use the link below to test your browser. If you do not see a picture pop up of the Moustache-Gang, you will be unable to enjoy the gallery. If this is the case, e-mail me so I can make a version you will be able to view. If you do see the picture, please come on in...

Click here to test your browser.

Click for the gallery with music (midi sound-file)

Click for the gallery without music (any browser)