Reach Out (web-links)
This is my growing collection of web links. If this page leads you to a place that is a beautiful refuge in the storm called life, e-mail me with words of gratitude. If you check them out and they stink to high heaven, too bad baby, I didn't make these sites (well maybe one or two of them).

Note: Clicking the textlinks below will pop up a new window. In order to return to the Crappy Page, simply close the new window and wha-la, you're home sweet home.

-JumpAround Joe

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FastLink Selector:

The Infamous Exploding Whale (
Oh my, yes! What would the net be without exploding whales. There just isn't much that can be said about this site, except that it's an interesting (and funny) look at the way humans deal with smelly situations. Have fun. (This site is best if you have the Real Video Player, but it's still worth checking if you don't)

Athens Development, Inc. (
This is the first corporate website that I designed from the ground up. Athens Development is an interactive software and web development company, with whom I maintain a great working relationship. This site requires the Flash 3 plug-in by Macromedia. Please check it out, and if you don't have the plug-in, get it: it's worth the download. (
O.K. so you're broke, but you want to be cool and listen to a wide variety of music. Of course you can't afford to go buy a slew of cool cd's, but who needs cd's when you have the site. Become instantly cool by choosing from over 100 channels of music, and always a great variety on each.