Joe's Crappy Page History

September 23, 1998
I spend so much time with the Crappy Page that I have begun to dream about it. Oh and it's a heavenly vision indeed. In rare moments of lucidity, I managed to add:
  1. a new trinket: The Ghost of Crappie's Past
  2. the delicate and lovely Moustache Gallery
  3. a couple of new paragraphs scattered about

September 15, 1998
Under extreme self-imposed pressure, I was forced to hire several migrant midget workers and a dozen illegal Mexicans to finish the overhaul. Changes included:
  1. brand-spankin' new entry page
  2. a fresh site-wide cosmetic makeover
  3. new thumbnail gallery navigation
  4. magnificent expansion of the gallery
  5. addition of the wedding album
  6. the Insane-O-Meter in the Trinkets section
  7. more of the Butcher's two-cents-worth
  8. brought the portfolio up to date
  9. removal of the mysterious "PROCTOLOGY"

August 21, 1998
Version 2.0 of the Crappy Site went up. This was the blue and orange site with Jimmy on the entrance for those keeping track. Changes included:
  1. surreal entry page with lots of lemons and lots of hair
  2. site makeover that included a Javascript navigation bar
  3. addition of new areas that included "The Butcher", "WWW.Links", "Trinkets", "Yakity-Shak", "Portfolio", and the ever vexing "Proctology"
  4. foolish promises for bigger and better things

August 8, 1998
I uploaded the Flash 3 Birthday card for Dad

July 15, 1998
"Dillhole" "Dillhole" "Dillhole" Uploaded the small flash movie of younger brother, Marc. "Dillhole" "D-D-D-Dill-Dillhole"

July 8, 1998
What a glorious day! My first personal website where I vowed to make changes often and had no clue how much work it involved. The original site went up with some of the following:
  1. entry page with long-head Mike and a big slow hit counter
  2. pictures of Chris and Tim that explained "hipness"
  3. gallery with 18 photos
  4. a nonfunctioning navigation bar

Concept History
Why call it "Joe's Crappy Page"? Why not "Joe's kind of neat page" or "Joe's interactive heavenly refuge"? Well, I decided that I needed to learn html, and the best way to do that would be a practice site. So I decided that I could make a practice site, and at the same time, maybe fill my friends in on my life from wherever in the world they were at the time. I told Mike I was going to make this page, and he said (in an Italian voice that is his own),"Yeah, you can call it 'Joe's Crappy Page'." That is how it got it's name, and that is why I chose an unflattering photo of Mike in his underwear to greet each incoming visitor.
Well ain't life grand? Hope you enjoy the Crappy Site, Baby!

-Joseph Anthony Hinton, creator of a blissful state of crappiness

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